Monday, October 28, 2019

Nclex Examination Experience By Maria



Indeed it’s true that PRAYERS worked. This testimonial has been running in my head few days now so this maybe quite long to read but hopefully to inspire others.

I took my NCLEX-RN on October 18, 2019 as an 8th timer. 1995 graduate.

1st- 2007, I was 3 months pregnant (75 q)
2nd - 2008, I was 7 months pregnant (86 q)
3rd and 4th - twice in 2016 months before we moved to the US. (can’t remember how many questions)
5th - 2017 April (125 q)
6th - 2017 August (156 q)
7th - 2018 June (265 q)

I felt that this time around, I had more knowledge and more confident than the last 7 times. I am a mom of 2 and worked full time when I was in the UK. Then we moved here in the US late 2016. Still in transition, I took the test 5th time, wasn’t ready at all but more like pressured to do it. After the 7th time, I took my time, not feeling the pressure of doing it too soon. Then I found this FB page, Remar page, sample questions posted in this page which are really helpful. I heard of Mark K (listened to him about 3x), LaCharity (bought the book but never used it) and other resources that I only knew late last year.  A friend let me borrow his ATI book which I find very good, very concise and direct to the point.

It took me 5 1/2hrs, 265 questions, 2 breaks to finally make it! I had 2 calculations (ml/hr), lots of SATA, about 4-5 drag and drop, 3 ECG strips, lots of psyche, prioritization and delegations, lots of teachings. And my last question was about tertiary prevention SATA, and I was like, that’s it, I will fail (cos I can’t remember anything about tertiary-I know first and secondary)

But God is so good, He heard my plea! I have to say I don’t have that much of an organization when it comes to studying, I just try to study when I can maybe up to an hour even though my kids are around. There were lots of temptations at home so I suggest going to the library when u can, is a good place to do it. I have my kids as motivation, their future and me and my husband’s retirement in the future.

I thank the people who prayed for me one way or the other. I am blessed! So never give up, keep the faith and pray, pray, pray! Good luck for the future!

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